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The funeral rite

evolution over time

The funeral rite is a practice that dates back to ancient times. In fact, Neanderthal skeletons covered with a substantial layer of pollen have been discovered, suggesting that even then the dead were interred along with the flowers, in a kind of proto-ceremonial manner.

Man has always been sensitive to the concept of life after death, and the funeral ritual was a way to honor the deceased and prepare the soul for its journey to the realm of the dead.

Over the centuries, there have been many cultural and religious influences that have shaped the way people commemorate their dead. For example, during the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church strongly influenced funeral practices. The body was displayed in the church for several days, and the funeral ceremony was conducted with great pomp and circumstance.

Today, many people choose to have a secular ceremony, but the funeral rite retains its deep and universal meaning no matter what culture or religion they belong to.

Prima Bottega’s ceremonial Casket of the Heart ensures a meaningful and worthy tribute to the departed person and is the new farewell ritual today.

The originality of Scrigno del Cuore places it at the top of the most significant and exclusive products for modern honors: Scrigno del Cuore allows in fact, an absolutely exciting, unforgettable and innovative ceremony.

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